Dental Bridges vs. Implants

Cartoon of a woman with thought bubbles deciding between dental implants and dental bridges.
Image by Authority Dental under CC 2.0

It’s easier than ever for photos and videos to capture every moment. If you find yourself not smiling wide or standing to the side due to embarrassment caused by missing teeth, it may be time to consider a restorative dental treatment. Fortunately, at Bethea Family Dentistry, we offer both dental bridges and implants!

Pros & Cons of Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is an artificial tooth or row of teeth that attach to existing natural teeth or implants. Dental bridges look, feel, and function like natural teeth to fill in the empty spaces in your smile. There are several types of dental bridges that can help you achieve this.

Typically, your smile goals, budget, and the number of teeth you need to replace can help you select the best type of bridge for you. Dental bridges are a fast solution to replace missing teeth. They are considered minimally invasive, but they don’t correct bone loss in the jaw. Bridges often require crowns over healthy teeth, and eventually they will need to be replaced.

Pros & Cons of Dental Implants

On the other hand, dental implants are a long-lasting solution to missing teeth. Implants mimic natural tooth roots to create a stable, reliable foundation for restorations on top of the gum line. Dental implants are compatible with crowns, bridges, and dentures. They can replace one tooth or several.

As an invasive surgical procedure, dental implants are a more costly investment. Because it takes months for healing before the permanent restoration can be placed, it also takes more time to provide you with a complete smile. While we offer sedation dentistry options, dental implants may not be the best solution for patients with a busy schedule or who experience anxiety about oral surgery.

Restorative Dental Services in Columbia, SC

Bethea Family Dentistry offers a number of services to replace missing teeth. Deciding which restorative dental treatment is best for your smile may feel overwhelming. We can help! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Bethea and our team to discuss your options. We’ll help you make the best choice for your specific situation.

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